Journey to Top of the mountain – Tiger’s Nest Monastery , Bhutan

International Cruising Travel

Tiger’s Nest Monastery, perched precariously on a cliffside in Bhutan, is a breathtaking sight that has captivated travelers for centuries. While the hike can be challenging, it is a rewarding experience that can be enjoyed by families with children.

Tiger’s Nest Monastery is a living legend, steeped in history and mythology. Its origins trace back to the 8th century, when Guru Rinpoche, the patron saint of Bhutan, is said to have flown to the site on the back of a tigress. The story goes that Guru Rinpoche, a renowned Buddhist master, arrived in Bhutan to spread the teachings of Buddhism. To subdue a local demon, he flew to the cliffside on the back of a tigress. Upon landing, he meditated in a cave, which later became the site of the monastery. The tigress’s footprints are believed to be still visible on the rock face.

Over time, the cave transformed into a sacred site, attracting pilgrims and devotees from far and wide. In the 17th century, the Bhutanese king, Tenzin Rabgye, commissioned the construction of the monastery, preserving the original cave as a sacred relic.

Here’s a guide to help you plan your family adventure to Tiger’s Nest:

1. How to reach :

Fly to Paro Airport and the best way further is by hiring a taxi to reach Tiger’s Nest Monastery.The taxi ride takes approximately 1 hour and costs around $20-30 USD.

Choose the Right Time:

  • Spring (March-May): This is the ideal time to visit Bhutan, with pleasant weather and fewer crowds. We visited in January and the views were breathtaking.
  • Autumn (September-November): The weather is still mild, and the scenery is at its peak.
  • Avoid the monsoon season (June-August): The trails can be very slippery & the weather unpredictable.

2. Acclimatize Beforehand:

  • Trekking in Bhutan can be strenuous. If you’re not used to high altitudes, it’s important to acclimatize before attempting the hike to Tiger’s Nest. Consider spending a few days in Paro, the nearest town, to adjust to the altitude.

3. Pack Essentials:

  • Comfortable hiking boots: Ensure they provide good support and traction.
  • Warm clothing: The weather can be unpredictable, especially at higher altitudes.
  • Sunscreen and hat: Protect yourself from the sun, especially during the spring and summer months.
  • Water and snacks: Stay hydrated and fueled throughout the hike.
  • First-aid kit: Be prepared for minor injuries.

4. Consider Hiring a Guide:

  • A local guide can provide valuable insights and assistance. They can also help you navigate the trails safely and ensure you don’t miss any important sights. Our Cab driver turned into our guide and it was fun listening to all the stories about local traditions, Buddhism, and love for Bollywood.

5. Plan for the Hike:

  • The hike to Tiger’s Nest is challenging, but it can be broken down into smaller sections. Take frequent breaks and enjoy the stunning views along the way. Remember it’s not a race but rather a trip where the journey is more beautiful than the destination.
  • The monastery is located at an altitude of approximately 3,120 meters (10,270 feet). If your children are young or have difficulty with altitude, you may want to consider hiring a pony to carry them up the steepest sections.

6. Enjoy the Experience:

  • The hike to Tiger’s Nest is a rewarding adventure that will create lasting memories for your family. Take your time, appreciate the beauty of the surroundings, and savor the moment. There are multiple points on the way to stop and click pictures.

By following these tips, you can plan a successful and memorable family trip to Tiger’s Nest Monastery. Remember to prioritize safety, respect local customs, and enjoy the incredible experience of hiking to one of Bhutan’s most iconic landmarks.

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